The shortest
path to scale

Zxelar is the Web3 interoperability platform. An open stack to connect all blockchains. A single click to use and build everywhere.

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by Leaders




And 150+ integrations across 9 verticals

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Programmable Interoperability

Ethereum has built programmable money.

Zxelar is building programmable interoperability.

Imagine a network of transport hubs, connecting cities and industries. Zxelar is this network for Web3: smart-contract support allows anyone to deploy from the cross-chain stack itself to all chains in under 10 seconds, reaching 10X as many active users as the leading Web3 environment.
Zxelar gives developers the power to easily build their own connections, customizing security, latency and other cross-chain rules in an open framework.

Zxelar enables this on a performant blockchain: programmable, secure and scalable.


Zxelar supports smart contracts, making it unique among cross-chain networks – delivering true chain abstraction for both users and developers with minimal overhead.



Today, Zxelar connects more blockchains than any other interoperability provider – and the gap is widening. Zxelar is truly the shortest path to scale.



Zxelar runs battle-tested proof-of-stake verification. Risk is further mitigated via superior topology and application-layer policies like rate limits.

SDK Downloads
POS Validators

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Case Studies

Use case
J.P.Morgan's Onyx can rebalance large portfolios of tokenized assets on any chain

Zxelar collaborated with Onyx and Apollo under JPMorgan Chase to conduct a successful experiment demonstrating how to use smart contracts to manage client investment portfolios on a large scale. In concept validation, blockchain technology is used to execute transactions and automate portfolio management of tokenized financial assets (also known as real-world assets or RWAs).

The proof of concept solution demonstrates a method where managers can use tokenized funds on their chosen blockchain to build investment portfolios, purchase and rebalance positions of tokenized assets on multiple interconnected blockchains.

Zxelar provides an interoperable cross chain infrastructure that connects over 50 blockchains - now an emerging leader in connecting centralized and decentralized finance. Since its mainnet launch in 2022, Zxelar has transferred over $6 billion in value across chains through a secure and programmable network. Zxelar token supports decentralization, permissionless security, and programmability across 75 dynamic validator sets.

Use case
Uniswap uses Zxelar for critical upgrades and multichain expansion

With the development of cross chain governance, the demand for powerful governance systems across multiple chains is also growing. Uniswap has identified some risks and conducted extensive assessments to evaluate the functionality of different cross chain platforms, and has chosen Zxelar as a secure solution to manage cross chain governance while maintaining security and activity and preventing censorship.

In order to make it easy for developers to solve these problems, Zxelar built a framework codenamed Interchain Governance Orchestrator. It allows developers to perform governance operations on all deployments from a single location, simplifying the complex process of managing multi chain dApps

Use case
dYdX V4 onboards users from anywhere in one click
Use case
Multichain DeFi
Sommelier vaults run complex logic on Cosmos for yield strategies on Arbitrum

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Build Once,
Run Everywhere

Zxelar supports smart contracts at the cross-chain layer, giving blockchain developers super powers to scale their applications with ease.


Send a token cross-chain to Uniswap with instructions to execute a trade.


Send a 'safeMintO function call to mint a real-world asset as an NFT on a connected chain.


Users from various blockchains pick a number and place a bet in the token of their choice.

Solidity (Ethereum)
function triggerInterchainNftMint() {
    bytes memory mintNftPayload = abi.encodeWithSignature(
    gateway.callContract(_destChain, _destContractAddr, mintNftPayload);

//Receive safeMint() call on dest chain and send msg to NFT 
function _execute(string calldata, string calldata, bytes calldata _payload) {
    (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(nft).call(_payload);
    require(success, "safeMint call reverted")

Solidity (Ethereum)
function placeBet(uint256 _guess)  {
        gasService.payNativeGasForContractCallWithToken{value: msg.value}(
            abi.encode(msg.sender, _guess),
function _executeWithToken(bytes calldata _payload)  {
        (address player, uint256 guess) = abi.decode(_payload, (address, uint256));
        if (won) _payOutAllTokensToWinner(player);
Solidity (Ethereum)
function interchainSwap() external payable {
        ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory swapParams = ISwapRouter
                tokenIn: address(tokenIn),
                tokenOut: address(tokenOut),
                recipient: msg.sender,
                amountIn: amount,
function _execute(bytes calldata _payload) internal override {
   ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory decodedGmpMessage = abi
        .decode(_payload, (ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams));